
God's Grace and Peace to you all,

Welcome to a page for reflection and a time of understanding of the Universe that shapes and changes us. Please take time when reading this page to relax and know that God's kingdom is ever present in our daily lives. God will change you in ways you can not imagine if you relax into the spirit that is around you. This page will be updated every month. Please use your time at this page to reflect each day on how you can be the change.

Grace and Enthusiasm for a New Day

Friday, August 1, 2008

Console Others

In this culture of want we so often want to be consoled. We look to media or to friends to give us this consolation about the injustices we have faced. Each time we look to these sources they do not truly listen they hear and try and offer solutions. In truth what we are looking for is hope that tomorrow will be better, no matter the injustice we have faced today.

The response we get from our constant whining has become a horrible cycle of whining and quick fixes. So many times we see Doctors treating the symptoms of a disease, a banker providing more debt to cure debt relief, or a person providing a quick donation to relieve the guilt of not working to change the world.

Is it time that we start to console the world instead of searching for consolation. The only way to provide real solutions is to provide hope of change. If we can prevent ourselves from listening to whining about that one thing and instead work with someone to find a solution we may console the world just a little bit. It is time that instead of a quick fix, we offer a loving and God filled way to heal the world.

Grace and Peace and Hope

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